Sunday, August 23, 2015

Rose of Zion

Out of darkness, 
The Rose of Zion has blossomed into life. 
How beautiful and glorious she stands,
Rejoicing over her new found freedom.

Though her vale of tears have watered her night and day,
She is no longer called Mara,
For the light of truth shone through.
Now her life blooms with delight. 

How she rejoices in the truth!
How she hopes in the best in life!
O great faith that openeth her eyes.
O great love that faileth not. 

Monday, August 10, 2015

All of me wants all of You

[The train of thoughts of the woman that touched the fringe of Jesus' robe]
Matthew 9:20-22

All of me wants all of You,
All of me craves and yearns
for You.

I have been unhappy for so long,
Broken, sick and beat by life's
Hammered, simmered and shattered
By my shame and sorrows.

I have been bleeding for so long.
Heal me, for I need Your gentle touch,
Your warmth and relentless love.

All of me yearns for You.

Seep, seep deeply into my every marrow and bone,
Fill me with Your eternal gladness and joy...
And make me whole.

[She touches Jesus' robe. Jesus turns around and says,  
“Take heart, daughter, your faith has healed you.”]